meet your stylists

  • Hayley

    Owner, Senior Hair Stylist

    with over 15 years in the industry, Hayley does it all; but she our very own hair extension specialist!

  • Sophie

    Assistant Manager, Senior Hair Stylist

    Sophie is our busy salon bee that never stops buzzing, and she’s also our resident blonde guru.

  • Lara

    Emerging Stylist

    You’ll find Lara looking after you, and giving you the best head massages!

  • Maggie & Kenny

    Salon Sausages

    Maggie, the black dachshund, is our expert in receiving cuddles, and Kenny, the tan-coloured pup, has perfected staying in the back, away from the noise.

Owner’s story

Since Hayley was six years old, she knew she wanted to be a hairdresser. Initially based in Canberra, the start of Hayley's journey really started in 2013 when she decided at 18 to pack her bags, take her skills, and move to Yass.

Once she became a senior stylist, she set her sights on a salon she could call her own. And, after working at Belle Mere for six years, Hayley was offered ownership—an opportunity she couldn't turn down.

If you pop into Belle Mere today, you'll find Hayley thriving and living her dream. Hayley has built a respected brand, an impressive clientele, and a fantastic team of hairdressers in Yass. Since 2020 she’s been in the biz, that is just the start for Hayley and her team!